I Exercised 6 Times a Week for a Year

Here’s what happened and the results I’ve got.

Diana Mitrana
4 min readJan 13, 2021
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

In the past, I couldn’t seem to bring myself to work out not even 2 times a week, let alone 6 times. I was desperate for a change but, at the same time I didn’t want to change my lifestyle. I was happy with my body in general but, I felt like I needed a drastic change.

What I mean by this is that I was looking for a solution to improve my health. Although I was okay with my body, my health wasn’t okay. I felt drained, tired, and my stomach could not bear another bag of chips, or another menu from McDonalds. So, I was in desperate need of a solution to alleviate my problem. One that I could follow through without giving up.

And, I found it at first. Or so I taught.

I found yoga and for a little while it helped me with my mental health and with my digestion, but still, I felt like something was missing. That’s when I began to work out, and with every new exercise I was feeling so energized, so full of life, and my serotonin was over the place. That’s when I knew that I found what I was looking for, and so I kept at it.

Since last year and until now, I exercised 6 times a week, and here is what happened:

My body is stronger, and I have more endurance

Almost two years ago I wasn’t even able to walk 2 kilometers on foot without feeling like I was dying. Now, I can easily walk 8- 9 kilometers, and barely feel a thing. I call that progress. Also, I can feel my body is lighter and flexible. Back in time, my body was so stiff, I couldn’t even reach a top shelf without feeling some tension in my body. Now I can do so much more. I can run more, walk on foot, and hike without feeling tired.

I am more fit

Now I built up muscles, and also, my abs are much more defined, I even got those lines called 11 abs. I can feel that my hands, core and my legs are much stronger, and I finally am comfortable in my own skin.

It’s been tough, but for the results I’ve got after working out 6 times a week, I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.

If you’re looking for a sign to help you get started in this journey, this is it. Start working out, and you’ll see the amazing results in time. They are so damn worth it.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

I am more confident

I can look in the mirror and not feel bad about my body. I got to the point where I’m proud of all the work I’ve put into transforming it. Now I can wear anything I want without the pressure of hearing negative comments from others. In the past, those comments got to me. I was fat and people often messed up with me. I guess that’s why I was still focused on other’s opinions of me. But not anymore. I am ready to wear and do anything without thinking that someone might judge me for it.

That’s what you need to start doing too. Don’t live up to anyone’s expectations, fuck them, and do your thing. It’s time to break free of the beauty standards that society defined for us.

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

I am happier

Since I started exercising regularly, I’ve noticed differences in my behavior and also in my happiness. I am being more resilient, calmer and, I don’t stress as much as I used to about things that I have no control over.

So, if you want to have a peaceful yet fulfilling life, then start exercising.

I am more focused

From the moment I introduced this good habit of working out regularly in my routine — I’ve found myself to be more focused on the things that really matter to me.

I can focus more on working on my projects, on my business, and also, it helps me retain more information that I couldn’t get myself to remember in the past. I always seemed to forget it as soon as I stopped revising it. But now I can remember what I learned even weeks ago without putting so much effort into it. I am sure that counts for something.


Since I started working out, I have noticed amazing results that I could’not get before. Because I simply didn’t put in the effort as I do now. With good nutrition, regular exercise, and proper sleep you can achieve so much. So, if you’re serious about changing the course of your life, try to add exercising regularly into your routine. You will reap the benefits soon enough.

Thanks for reading my article!



Diana Mitrana

Just an ordinary girl who wants to help and inspire people become the greatest version of themselves through storytelling and personal experiences.